Champions Dinner -50th Anniversary of the 1971 GAC Championship


Champions Dinner 2021


The Davis Era Football Players held a dinner 10/23/2021 at Pio’s Restaurant in St. Charles.  2021 is the 50th anniversary of the first GAC Football Championship which was won by FHHS.  There were about 70 in attendance, many from the undefeated championship team.


Our distinguished guests included Coach Frank Davis, Winningest Football Coach in FH history, Coach George Hill, orchestrator of the best defense in FH history, Coach Mike Gibbons, Voice of the Vikings-1969-2005 and our beloved Principal, Mr. Ed Mossop. 


Coach Davis and Coach Hill were presented with 50th Anniversary GAC Championship plaques autographed by the players.  Coach Gibbons was recognized for being the public address announcer at home games for 36 years, 1969-2005.


Several players spoke, sharing anecdotes of things that happened during their years playing for the Vikings under Coach Davis and Coach Hill.  Coach Davis and Coach Hill received standing ovations when introduced.  Both spoke briefly which made the night a great success.


It was like old times when the banter began between the lineman and the backs – like we were back on the field or the locker room. All in good fun and appreciation.


We came to celebrate and celebrate we did… nothing was held back… it was a great night.

Four great leaders from our past.

Coach Mike Gibbons - The Voice of the Vikings 1969-2005.
Head Coach Frank Davis - Winningest football coach in FH history.
Mr. Ed Mossop, Principal - Great leader, educator, role model for students at FHHS
Assistant Coach George Hill - Orchestrated the greatest defensive season in FH history.
10/23/2021 at the FH Champions Dinner at Pio’s.

 The link below is for the slide show was presented during the Champions Dinner at Pio's, 10/23/2021

Marshall Davis & Coach Frank Davis - 10/23/21

Dennis Auping, Frances Randall, Mark Randall, Rick Miget, Deb Miget, Marilyn Gallagher, Tom Gallagher Vicky Auping

Terry Kasper, Rich Cates

Mrs. Gibbons, Coach Gibbons, Mr. Mossop, ?, Danette Bader, Mark Mancin (40)

Vicky Isham, Mark Mancin, Janice Crabtree, Danette Bader

Marshall Davis, Dale Stevener, Coach Frank Davis

Kneeling-Steve Mungle, Rich Cates, Jeff Halfaker
Terry Kasper, Steve Kirby, Steve Cates, Kevin Oberdick, Don Dane, Mark Mancin, Coach Frank Davis, Coach George Hill, Tom Gallagher, Dave Smith, Jim Ganime, Robi Grace, Lenny Wildscheutz

Tom Struckman, Dan Odom, Mrs. Struckman, Bill Struckman, Rob Schaeffer

Master of Ceremonies, Butch Wax himself - GENE ACKMANN

Lee Coe, Sally Howard, Phil Wahler, Dave Smith, Don Dane, Lail Sevick Tornetto, Sue Kinnen Coe

L to R. Terry Kasper, Rob Grace, Dennis Auping, Lee Coe, Marshall Davis, Lenny Wildschuetz, Dave Smith, Mark Randall, Steve Mungle, Tom Struckman, Kevin Oberdick, Dan Odom, Dale Stevener, Dennis Sherman, Coach Gibbons, Tracy Sherman, Jim Clark, Steve Cates, Steve Kirby, Rick Nadler, Buddy Lawson, Sue Kinnen Coe.

Rick Miget, Jeff Halfaker & Steve Mungle

Dennis Sherman, Coach Davis, Mrs. Wildscheutz, Lenny Wildscheutz

Rick Nadler, Jeff Halfaker, Lee Coe & Phil Wahler

Terry Kasper, Don Dane, Dave Smith, Tracy Sherman, Dennis Sherman

Dave Smith, Kevin Oberdick, Marsha Oberdick Petri, Don Dane, Tom Struckman, Jeff Halfaker, Steve Mungle, Rob Grace, Buddy Lawson & Terry Kasper lower front right

Dan Odom, Steve Cates, Vicky Isham Roberts

Marsha Oberdick Petri, Kevin Oberdick, Steve Mungle, Coach Gibbons, ?, ?, Bill Struckman, Tom Struckman, Denny Sherman, Lenny Wildscheutz, Dennis Auping

Phil Whler, Tom Struckman, Lenny Wildscheutz, Dale Stevener, Dennis Auping, Dave Smith, Steve Kirby

Kevin Oberdick, Marsha Obertick Petri, Jim Clark, Steve Mungle, Steve Cates

Dennis Sherman, Bill Struckman, Tom Struckman, Dennis Auping

Steve Kirby, Jim Ganime and Rob Grace

Mark Mancin, Rick Miget, Coach Davis, Jim Clark, Tom Struckman, Coach Hill

Sally Howard, Denny Auping, Rob Grace, Rich Cates, Phil Wahler, Marsha Oberdick Petri

Coach Gibbons, Coach Davis, Mark Randall, Denny Auping, Coach Hill

Mark Mancin, Coach Davis, Janice Crabtree

Upstairs Banquet Room at Pio's, St. Charles


Mark Randall, Big John Smith & Rick Miget - January 2022

December  2021
Rick Miget, Steve Smith & Coach George Hill

Mark Randall & Tom Gallagher

Steve Smith, Mark Randall & Rick Miget

Steve Smith & Rich Chapple

Coach Hill and Denny Auping

Chris Monroe, Mark Randall & Tom Gallagher

Chris Monroe (D) & Kevin Oberdick (R)

Rich and Carey Harrison Chapple

Rich Chapple & Mark Randall
Friends since MCMLX.


  1. Great bunch of people, such great memories of the football program beginnings at FHHS. Class of 1972


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